Welcome to the Association for Behavior Analysis Lebanon
This Affiliated Chapter is associated with Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI).
This Affiliated Chapter is associated with Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI).
As professional behavior analysts, our commitment is to embody the foundational principles and adhere to ethical codes in our interactions. This includes fostering safe relationships, applying the four principles to guide our approach (i.e., benefit others; treat others with compassion, dignity, and respect; behave with integrity; and ensure one’s own competence), and upholding standards such as non-discrimination (BACB code 1.08) and avoiding coercive behavior (BACB code 1.09). We also prioritize awareness of personal biases (BACB code 1.10) to ensure respectful and positive engagement, irrespective of cultural or religious differences.
Furthermore, our responsibility extends to the dissemination of information. We must uphold evidence-based practices, define terms operationally, and clearly distinguish personal opinions from factual information. Our communication should steer clear of inflammatory language and subjective interpretations, especially when addressing traumatic events.
Aligned with our foundational principles and ethical codes, we unequivocally denounce any brutal attacks on innocent civilians.
The Association for Behavior Analysis in Lebanon (ABAL) joins the Association for Contextual Behavioral Sciences (ACBS), Association of Professional Behavior Analysts (APBA), American Psychological Association, and American Counseling Association (ACA) as we acknowledge the collective trauma stemming from the Israeli-Palestinian war. The widespread devastation caused by the loss of life and the humanitarian crisis deeply affects us all. Our heartfelt and compassionate thoughts go out to our entire community today. Finding words in the face of such personal and globally impactful tragedy is challenging.
There's a grave concern for the physical safety and mental well-being of the millions affected by this escalating violence. The ABAL strongly condemns the high human cost of aggression, encompassing human rights violations, severe humanitarian consequences, profound psychological distress, and the erosion of dignity and freedom. Everyone deserves a life devoid of fear and violence, allowing their mental health and overall well-being to thrive.
In this time of crisis, let us come together as a community to care for and support each other.
Credit: Khaled Taleb
The Association for Behavior Analysis in Lebanon (ABAL) collaborates with a variety of entities, including sponsors, universities, organizations, companies, and individuals, for different purposes, such as event hosting, partnerships, and resource sharing. However, our collaboration with any entity or sponsor does not imply endorsement of their products, services, or viewpoints. ABAL maintains objectivity and encourages our community to be informed when considering any offerings or affiliations associated with our events and activities.
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