A webinar dedicated to therapists! Intersection between Behavior Analysis and Educational Psychology.
A webinar dedicated to therapists! Intersection between Behavior Analysis and Developmental Psychology and Psychotherapy.
A Conversation with Trauma Specialist Dr. Rana Tayara on the Current Crisis and Violent Conflict (IG Live)&In the intersection of Behavior Analysis (e.g., ABA, ACT, & Behavioral Activation, etc.) with Mental Health Study of Trauma, we need to understand & address the contingencies that are establishing or maintaining behavior in response to crisis. Adverse experiences inherently include aversive stimuli, and as humans we develop complex stimulus-response relations to protect us a help us survive
A conversation with the Bosnian-genocide survivor and inter-generational trauma specialist Ms. Selma. Hosted by ABAL President, this conversation is co-led by Palestinian guest BCBA and Autism Mom Ms. Lila Ayyad Al-Harsha. Brilliant questions that highlight the intersection of Behavior Analysis with trauma therapy and research.
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